home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # Script to create a Windows src package
- #
- version=4.1.11
- export version
- CP="cp -p"
- OUTTAR="0"
- OUTZIP="0"
- #
- # An "abort" function taking a variable number of strings (one per line)
- #
- abort()
- {
- for line
- do
- echo "$line"
- done
- exit 1
- }
- #
- # This script must run from MySQL top directory
- #
- if [ ! -f scripts/make_win_src_distribution ]; then
- abort "ERROR : You must run this script from the MySQL top-level directory"
- fi
- SOURCE=`pwd`
- #
- # Check for source compilation/configuration
- #
- if [ ! -f sql/sql_yacc.cc ]; then
- abort "ERROR : Sorry, you must run this script after the complete build," \
- " hope you know what you are trying to do !!"
- fi
- #
- # Debug print of the status
- #
- print_debug()
- {
- for statement
- do
- if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ] ; then
- echo $statement
- fi
- done
- }
- #
- # Usage of the script
- #
- show_usage()
- {
- echo "MySQL utility script to create a Windows src package, and it takes"
- echo "the following arguments:"
- echo ""
- echo " --debug Debug, without creating the package"
- echo " --tmp Specify the temporary location"
- echo " --suffix Suffix name for the package"
- echo " --dirname Directory name to copy files (intermediate)"
- echo " --silent Do not list verbosely files processed"
- echo " --tar Create tar.gz package"
- echo " --zip Create zip package"
- echo " --help Show this help message"
- exit 0
- }
- #
- # Parse the input arguments
- #
- parse_arguments() {
- for arg do
- case "$arg" in
- --add-tar) ADDTAR=1 ;;
- --debug) DEBUG=1;;
- --tmp=*) TMP=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--tmp=;;"` ;;
- --suffix=*) SUFFIX=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--suffix=;;"` ;;
- --dirname=*) DIRNAME=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--dirname=;;"` ;;
- --silent) SILENT=1 ;;
- --tar) OUTTAR=1 ;;
- --zip) OUTZIP=1 ;;
- --help) show_usage ;;
- *) abort "Unknown argument '$arg'"
- ;;
- esac
- done
- }
- parse_arguments "$@"
- #
- # Assign the tmp directory if it was set from the environment variables
- #
- for i in $TMP $TMPDIR $TEMPDIR $TEMP /tmp
- do
- if [ "$i" ]; then
- print_debug "Setting TMP to '$i'"
- TMP=$i
- break
- fi
- done
- #
- # Convert argument file from unix to DOS text
- #
- unix_to_dos()
- {
- for arg do
- print_debug "Replacing LF -> CRLF from '$arg'"
- awk '{sub(/$/,"\r");print}' < $arg > $arg.tmp
- rm -f $arg
- mv $arg.tmp $arg
- done
- }
- #
- # Create a tmp dest directory to copy files
- #
- BASE=$TMP/my_win_dist$SUFFIX
- if [ -d $BASE ] ; then
- print_debug "Destination directory '$BASE' already exists, deleting it"
- rm -r -f $BASE
- fi
- $CP -r $SOURCE/VC++Files $BASE
- # This includes an implicit 'mkdir $BASE' !
- #
- # Process version tags in InstallShield files
- #
- vreplace()
- {
- for arg do
- unix_to_dos $arg
- cat $arg | sed -e 's!@''VERSION''@!4.1.11!' > $arg.tmp
- rm -f $arg
- mv $arg.tmp $arg
- done
- }
- if test -d $BASE/InstallShield
- then
- for d in 4.1.XX-gpl 4.1.XX-pro 4.1.XX-classic
- do
- cd $BASE/InstallShield/$d/String\ Tables/0009-English
- vreplace value.shl
- cd ../../Setup\ Files/Compressed\ Files/Language\ Independent/OS\ Independent
- vreplace infolist.txt
- done
- fi
- #
- # Move all error message files to root directory
- #
- $CP -r $SOURCE/sql/share $BASE/
- rm -r -f "$BASE/share/Makefile"
- rm -r -f "$BASE/share/Makefile.in"
- rm -r -f "$BASE/share/Makefile.am"
- mkdir $BASE/Docs $BASE/extra $BASE/include
- #
- # Copy directory files
- #
- copy_dir_files()
- {
- for arg do
- print_debug "Copying files from directory '$arg'"
- cd $SOURCE/$arg
- if [ ! -d $BASE/$arg ]; then
- print_debug "Creating directory '$arg'"
- mkdir $BASE/$arg
- fi
- for i in *.c *.cpp *.h *.ih *.i *.ic *.asm *.def *.hpp *.dsp \
- README INSTALL* LICENSE *.inc *.test *.result \
- *.pem Moscow_leap des_key_file *.dat *.000001 \
- *.require *.opt
- do
- if [ -f $i ]
- then
- $CP $SOURCE/$arg/$i $BASE/$arg/$i
- fi
- done
- for i in *.cc
- do
- if [ -f $i ]
- then
- i=`echo $i | sed 's/.cc$//g'`
- $CP $SOURCE/$arg/$i.cc $BASE/$arg/$i.cpp
- fi
- done
- done
- }
- #
- # Copy directory contents recursively
- #
- copy_dir_dirs() {
- for arg do
- cd $SOURCE
- (
- find $arg -type d \
- -and -not -path \*SCCS\* \
- -and -not -path \*.deps\* \
- -and -not -path \*autom4te.cache -print
- )|(
- while read v
- do
- copy_dir_files $v
- done
- )
- done
- }
- #
- # Input directories to be copied
- #
- for i in client dbug extra heap include isam \
- libmysql libmysqld merge myisam \
- myisammrg mysys regex sql strings sql-common sql/examples \
- tools vio zlib
- do
- copy_dir_files $i
- done
- #
- # Create project files for ndb
- #
- make -C $SOURCE/ndb windoze
- #
- # Input directories to be copied recursively
- #
- for i in bdb innobase ndb
- do
- copy_dir_dirs $i
- done
- #
- # Create dummy innobase configure header
- #
- if [ -f $BASE/innobase/ib_config.h ]; then
- rm -f $BASE/innobase/ib_config.h
- fi
- touch $BASE/innobase/ib_config.h
- #
- # Copy miscellaneous files
- #
- cd $SOURCE
- Docs/manual_toc.html Docs/manual.html \
- Docs/manual.txt Docs/mysqld_error.txt \
- Docs/INSTALL-BINARY Docs/internals.texi
- do
- print_debug "Copying file '$i'"
- if [ -f $i ]
- then
- $CP $i $BASE/$i
- fi
- done
- #
- # support files
- #
- mkdir $BASE/support-files
- # Rename the cnf files to <file>.ini
- for i in support-files/*.cnf
- do
- i=`echo $i | sed 's/.cnf$//g'`
- cp $i.cnf $BASE/$i.ini
- done
- #
- # Raw dirs from source tree
- #
- for i in scripts sql-bench mysql-test SSL tests
- do
- print_debug "Copying directory '$i'"
- if [ -d $i ]
- then
- if [ -d $BASE/$i ]
- then
- $CP -R $i $BASE
- else
- $CP -R $i $BASE/$i
- fi
- fi
- done
- #
- # Fix some windows files to avoid compiler warnings
- #
- ./extra/replace std:: "" < $BASE/sql/sql_yacc.cpp | sed '/^ *switch (yytype)$/ { N; /\n *{$/ { N; /\n *default:$/ { N; /\n *break;$/ { N; /\n *}$/ d; };};};} ' > $BASE/sql/sql_yacc.cpp-new
- mv $BASE/sql/sql_yacc.cpp-new $BASE/sql/sql_yacc.cpp
- #
- # Search the tree for plain text files and adapt the line end marker
- #
- find $BASE \( -name "*.dsp" -o -name "*.dsw" -o -name "*.cnf" -o -name "*.ini" \
- -o -name COPYING -o -name ChangeLog -o -name EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT -o -name "INSTALL*" -o -name LICENSE -o -name "README*" \) -type f -print \
- | while read v
- do
- unix_to_dos $v
- done
- # File extension '.txt' matches too many other files, error messages etc.
- unix_to_dos $BASE/Docs/*.txt
- #
- # Clean up if we did this from a bk tree
- #
- if [ -d $BASE/SSL/SCCS ]
- then
- find $BASE/ -type d -name SCCS -printf " \"%p\"" | xargs rm -r -f
- fi
- #
- # Initialize the initial data directory
- #
- if [ -f scripts/mysql_install_db ]; then
- print_debug "Initializing the 'data' directory"
- scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --windows --datadir=$BASE/data
- if test "$?" = 1
- then
- exit 1;
- fi
- fi
- #
- # Specify the distribution package name and copy it
- #
- if test -z $DIRNAME
- then
- NEW_DIR_NAME=mysql-$version$SUFFIX
- else
- fi
- rm -r -f $BASE2
- mv $BASE $BASE2
- #
- # If debugging, don't create a zip/tar/gz
- #
- if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ] ; then
- echo "Please check the distribution files from $BASE"
- echo "Exiting (without creating the package).."
- exit
- fi
- #
- # This is needed to prefere gnu tar instead of tar because tar can't
- # always handle long filenames
- #
- PATH_DIRS=`echo $PATH | sed -e 's/^:/. /' -e 's/:$/ ./' -e 's/::/ . /g' -e 's/:/ /g' `
- which_1 ()
- {
- for cmd
- do
- for d in $PATH_DIRS
- do
- for file in $d/$cmd
- do
- if test -x $file -a ! -d $file
- then
- echo $file
- exit 0
- fi
- done
- done
- done
- exit 1
- }
- #
- # Create the result zip/tar file
- #
- if [ "$OUTTAR" = "0" ]; then
- if [ "$OUTZIP" = "0" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- set_tarzip_options()
- {
- for arg
- do
- if [ "$arg" = "tar" ]; then
- ZIPFILE1=gnutar
- ZIPFILE2=gtar
- OPT=cvf
- EXT=".tar"
- if [ "$SILENT" = "1" ] ; then
- OPT=cf
- fi
- else
- ZIPFILE1=zip
- OPT="-r"
- EXT=".zip"
- if [ "$SILENT" = "1" ] ; then
- OPT="$OPT -q"
- fi
- fi
- done
- }
- #
- # Create the archive
- #
- create_archive()
- {
- print_debug "Using $tar to create archive"
- cd $TMP
- cd $SOURCE
- if [ "$NEED_COMPRESS" = "1" ]
- then
- print_debug "Compressing archive"
- gzip -9 $NEW_NAME$EXT
- EXT="$EXT.gz"
- fi
- if [ "$SILENT" = "0" ] ; then
- echo "$NEW_NAME$EXT created successfully !!"
- fi
- }
- if [ "$OUTTAR" = "1" ]; then
- set_tarzip_options 'tar'
- tar=`which_1 $ZIPFILE1 $ZIPFILE2`
- if test "$?" = "1" -o "$tar" = ""
- then
- print_debug "Search failed for '$ZIPFILE1', '$ZIPFILE2', using default 'tar'"
- tar=tar
- set_tarzip_options 'tar'
- fi
- create_archive
- fi
- if [ "$OUTZIP" = "1" ]; then
- set_tarzip_options 'zip'
- tar=`which_1 $ZIPFILE1 $ZIPFILE2`
- if test "$?" = "1" -o "$tar" = ""
- then
- echo "Search failed for '$ZIPFILE1', '$ZIPFILE2', cannot create zip!"
- fi
- create_archive
- fi
- print_debug "Removing temporary directory"
- rm -r -f $BASE
- # End of script